Drive Men Crazy With These Gorgeous Tattoos For Girls-gtkDrive Men Crazy With These Gorgeous Tattoos For Girls
Tattoos for girls have taken on a whole new look and meaning today. More girls than ever are getting attractive, sexy tattoos placed on their body. If you are looking for fresh ideas of tattoos for girls that will drive men dotty read on.
You need to consider the following pointers for fresh tattoos for girls if you fancy a tattoo that will drive the man, or future men, in your life certainly gaga. It is not just the tattoo that will be fundamental but the part of your body where the tattoo is located and the placement.

First, it will be important to make sure your body art work is done by a professional tattoo artist that has lots of experience. You want to make certain it is done right since this tattoo will be with you the rest of your life. It is okay to bring in samples of art you have found, but also ask to look at work they have done that may be similar. You also desire to make sure the tattoo artist you select has your health and safety as a master concern and operates in a very sanitary environment.

Here are the top tattoos for girl’s designs today:

Butterfly tattoos are extremely popular. There is so much that can be done with butterfly art work on the body. The butterflies can be exceedingly colorful and can range in size. They can also be flying as a group and trailing to a certain part of the body.

Star tattoos come in a close second as the most popular designs for girls. Stars also can come in different shapes and sizes. They can come in different colors. Stars can also be trailing. Shooting star designs are very popular and have very positive meaning when placed permanently on the body.

Flower tattoos are always very popular for girl’s tattoos. The more colorful the flower, it seems the more popular this design is. The hibiscus flower seems to be in high favor today. This is a flower that has an extremely playful and exotic look and comes in countless colors. Another flower that is often chosen is the daisy. Daisies have extremely significant meaning representing a free spirited individual. If the art work is done well daisy tattoos can be very pretty and appealing.

The shape of the female body has many attractive curves and hidden areas that can accentuated with proper tattoo placement. If a tattoo is located in the correct spot it can be very attractive and considered quite sexy.

Here are top areas for tattoo placement that will drive men crazy:

The lower back area is a part of the body where there are very natural curves that all come together. The right design in this area can be very appealing. This area does not always show and is sometimes seen as a flash when the woman bends over. This causes the viewer to feel they have seen something perhaps they should not have.

The panty line area, or actually just above it, is another suggestive area for placement. This is an area that can be seen when wearing a bikini or nothing at all. It is well hidden most of the time and that is what makes it so appealing, because it can't be seen all the time.

A single foot works well for body art, especially if you are someone that has good looking feet. This can be very attractive and enhance a great looking well manicured foot.

The side of the body tattoos is becoming quite popular. Tattoos that trail, especially along the side of the body, in the area from the middle back to middle of the waist line is a great idea. Often seeing something that reveals just a portion is quite suggestive and appealing. This type of a tattoo cannot be fully viewed from the front or back, but completely from the side.

Top Stylish sexy-gtk1Top Stylish sexy Tribal Tattoos For 2009

Some people would find it a great way to pamper themselves by placing different forms of body art, and some of them are tribal tattoos. These awesome masterpieces come in unique designs, colors, patterns, and of course symbolism. But the common dilemma that most tattoo fanatics would encounter is choosing the perfect design that would represent them.

There are dozens of tattoo designs, and many of them were crafted since ancient times. People of different tribes and culture have dedicated much effort crafting a design that would be uniquely theirs. In fact, most of these ancient designs have been used by many generations of tattoo artists and fanatics, but their symbolism remains the same.

Yes, it is not easy to opt which tattoo will fit you. But to ease the problem, here are some great notes to describe some of the famous tribal tattoos.

Celtic tattoos

These are from the early inhabitants of Europe, and these are often tedious to apply because of their complex designs and patterns. But the end product is incredible, indeed one would exclaim, "It's a marvellous work of art!"

The design would be composed of circles and zigzag lines. Each figure on the picture has its own color, making the entire image attractive to look at. One of the most famous Celtic tattoo designs is the crucifix that has several images and pattern contained in it. It looks like a Mosaic art, but if one will try to look at it closely, he will notice that the designs are very detailed, even if these have miniature size.

Aztec tattoos

From the early inhabitants of the American continent come these extraordinary tribal images. Although not that easy to punch on the skin also because of its complicated figure, Aztec tattoos are pleasing to the eyes. What make these unique from other styles that the central picture can be described clearly, despite some curves and lines drawn around it. Most of these are multihued, making it more attractive.

Aztec tattoos are usually representations of ancient gods and goddesses, and concrete symbols are used to represent them, such as the sun, stars, eagles, and other massive creatures. Aside from its religious relevance, these tattoos have also other representations, such as power, loyalty, and valour.

Maori tattoos

Ancient people from the land down under have also created their own forms of body art. Specifically from the Maori people of New Zealand comes the simplest but the most sought after tribal tattoo design nowadays.

Maori tattoos come in single color of black, and the pattern is mainly composed of curves and lines that are usually arranged in a spiral motion. The size depends on the spot in the body to be placed. If it is at the back, the size of the design may be increased to cover the entire surface area. If it is on the arm, the tattoo artist would usually take advantage of the spiral motion to wrap it around the arm.

Sexy Tattoo Quotes For People in Love-gtkTattoo quotes are becoming quite fashionable these days because they are so personal. Especially sexy tattoo quotes for lovers can help to take the relationship to a higher and more permanent level. Here are some of the most popular sexy tattoo quotes for people in love.

When you are in love getting a special tattoo can be very personal and endearing. In the past many people chose to get pictures or drawings that were a symbol of their love for each other.

Today that is changing. More and more people in love are getting quote tattoos that more uniquely reflect their feelings for each other and about the love that they share. They are finding that the right words can be even more powerful than a picture. The perfect tattoo saying that speaks about the love one person has for another can be very special and hold significant meaning for the relationship.

If you are thinking about sexy tattoo quotes, there are many to choose from. The following should help get your creative juices flowing. They are short, sexy and extremely meaningful.

"Love is the Poetry of the Senses"

When one is in love, at one time or another, all the senses are affected and alive with pleasure and enjoyment. These tattoo words seem to reflect that best.

"Love Puts the Fun in Together, the Sad in Apart and the Joy in a Heart"

When you are in love the time you spend together is what you want and desire the most. Love should be and is fun and fills a heart with happiness and joy. But when you are apart that's when there is a void and the heart feels sadness.

"Love is the Master Key that Opens the Gates of Happiness"

Everyone wants to be happy. We are meant to be happy. And the best way to find happiness and be truly happy is through love.

"Love is, Above All, the Gift of Oneself"

When two people are truly in love there is no more honest a gift they can give to each other than by giving themselves. This goes beyond just intimacy and also means giving in thoughtful caring and selfless action.

"Love is Two Souls with a Single Thought, Two Hearts That Beat as One"

Love is really the unity of two people coming together. When you are in love you share so much together that you become s single voice, stronger that you were as one.

Flower Hawaiian Tattoo-gtk1You have probably found out by now that finding the right flower Hawaiian tattoo can be a real pain, especially if you won't settle for anything less than the perfect design for a female.

Many women, whom I have seen first hand, have scoured the internet, trying to get a great flower Hawaiian tattoo design and have come up just about empty in their search. Don't worry, though. This is perfectly normal and I will show you a simple way to find them, because they are out there, you just haven't found them yet. I will also say a few things about the great background and history of this great Hawaiian design.

The first step to find good artwork is to not settle on a Google search. You also should net look for the good stuff on random, cookie-cutter tat websites. The simple way to find awesome websites is to look through internet forums. Yes, forums. You will not believe the great information you will find here. Remember, women love to brag to other people when they find a great website or a hidden treasure and there is no better way to do it than on a forum.

Another thing I want to tell you has to do with the great background of the design. Most styles change with the times, but this style tends to stay the same, which is a very good thing. They seem to be timeless pieces of art that stand the test of time. You may not know this, but the Hawaiian tattoos in question in this form of art is a Hibiscus. It is a gorgeous flower that can come in a wide variety of colors. It represents purity and a tight connection with nature and the entire nature world.Flower Hawaiian Tattoo-gtk2

The amazing island vibe of a flower Hawaiian tattoo is very peaceful and always makes a great choice for a female. While there is a lot of wonder styles out there within this art form, you should not settle for the first thing that you see. The reason behind this is that at a lot of the cookie-cutter tat websites, they might have great art, but some of them were not really drawn to be implemented as a tattoo. While the designs might look good on paper or your computer screen, there is s chance that they will not look good once implemented as a tattoo. Your best bet is to pick four to five of your favorite flower Hawaiian designs and bring them to an artist that you trust. He or she can then tailor it to fit your body.

As a female, you want your tattoos to stand out in a crowd and be an original art piece. Finding the perfect flower Hawaiian tattoo does not have to be hard anymore, and as a female, this information will help you out in your search for the right design

Ideas for Tattoo Designs

Introducing our new category for getting ideas about some good looking tattoo designs start today…right now. We will be posting some unique looking tattoos under this category for all the world to see. Trust me their are some nice ones out there too.
Tattoo Design Ideas

Introducing our new category for getting ideas about some good looking tattoo designs start today…right now. We will be posting some unique looking tattoos under this category for all the world to see. Trust me their are some nice ones out there too.

 Tattoo Designs For Women1Rib side tattoo is definitely the most recent sexy thing in the tattoo world because women and girls are searching for methods to express their personality and feminine beauty through body art. The rib cage is positively an attractive and beautiful location for a female to get tattooed since it displays the natural curves and shape of her body. They are even highlighted with guaranteed designs that are form fitting and naturally flattering to the rib side of her body. Here are the top 5 choices when it comes to tattoo pieces on the rib cage for girls.
A girl can never go wrong with flowers as they are naturally beautiful and form fitting for her body. The language of flowers always speak about what is important to a female's heart and what she believes or wants to express. The most sought after floral designs on the rib side are cherry blossoms, lotus, lily, rose and Hawaiian flowers like orchids, hibiscus and plumeria. Tattoo Designs For Women2


A butterfly, no matter how common it is will always be on demand because it can never fail to relate to what a girl is going through in her life. Whether it be about change, transformation, freedom and beauty, a butterfly can always transcend this meaning. It can be a single butterfly or it can be groups of them fluttering on the side area of girl's body. With their stunning colors and intricate line details, the butterflies are absolutely a great piece of tat art on the rib cage.


Star tattoos are very flexible and versatile and they always look interesting. They can definitely make a girl shine especially if they are tattooed on the rib with bright colors like yellow, red, blue and orange. Tattoo Designs For Women3 It should be noted too however, that they can look pretty well themselves if they are inked in plain black colors. That is just the magic of star tattoos, no matter how simple they are, they never fail to make a statement of their own.


Lettering tattoos composing of words from quotations, poem, line from a movie or a book maybe or verse from the bible are really the hot items these days in the tattoo world. And the rib cage is certainly topping the list for this kind of tat theme as its an area of the body that is ample enough to accommodate certain lines that are meant mostly to be inspirational and motivational.


Fairies are dainty and magical creatures that has always been a part of a girl's childhood memories.  Tattoo Designs For Women4They have seen them in fairy tale books and movies where they are portrayed as this beautiful being that grants wishes and makes dreams come true. They can also be expression of a girl's naughty and fun, flirty side who just wants to have fun and be free

11:59 AM

The Cons of Tattoos1

Even though there are many good things about tattoos, there are bad things as well. So before going to a tattoo studio. Make sure you know what you are doing and the pros outweighs the cons. If you are only getting a tattoo strictly for the look, you many end up regretting getting the tattoo later on in life.

1) Risk of infection. As you may know, tattoos work by piercing the skin with a needle and injecting little gobs of ink. If the tattoo artist is not sanitary and does not clean his equipment after every use and the needle is not properly sterilized, you may get infected with a wide range of diseases.

2) Allergic reactions. Tattoo dyes, especially red dye, can cause allergic skin reactions, resulting in an itchy rash at the tattooed area. The worst part is this may occur even years after you get the tattoo.

3) Risk of Keloid formation. If you are prone to developing keloids, you should think twice before getting a tattoo. Although keloids are more of a result of tattoo removal, you are still at risk of keloid formation from the tattoo itself.

4) MRI complications. Though it happens rarely, tattoos may cause swelling or burning in the affected areas during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exams. In some cases pigments used in tattoos may interfere with the quality of the image.

5) Tattoo removal. Let us face it. Some people when they are young and impulsive do not think about how the tattoo will look when they get older. Or some people may later decide that they do not want the design anymore. Here comes the removal process. The bad thing about tattoo removal is it can leave a pretty bad scar in your skin and you will have to pay the added cost of removing it.

Tattoos can be placed anywhere in the body, upper arms, neck, hands, fingers and faces. However, tattoos are most used on the lower back. In fact, almost 99 percent of women are fond of lower back tattoo designs. You know why? It's because lower back tattoos can make their bodies sexier than ever. These designs are meant for women who want to be more seductive with their partners. With the appealing look and colorful designs, you can catch up the attention of males.

Among lower back tattoo designs, symmetrical patters are usually seen in women. These designs involved several patterns including tribal, flowers, dragons and Celtic designs. Of course how can you imagine your wife with a vase of flower in her back? They become so yummy right? However, there are also designs that can bring funky looks including hearts, angels, crosses and gothic names. For a woman who wants to be more fashionable, these designs are excellent options.

However, before getting tattoo designs, always make sure you got the best. Remember having tattoo is a huge commitment that will last for a long time, and even lifetime. Once you it's printed on your skin or any part of your body, it's hard to remove it. It will only take much money and effort. So, if you're given a chance to choose, why not choose the best?

There are a lot of lower back tattoo designs available on your local area as well as on the internet. But then sad thing is that almost 99 percent of these designs are redundant. Meaning, these designs are not that unique. When it comes to tattoos, always look for excellent designs from a famous artists or tattooists. The best way is to search on the net. You can have it for free or you can pay it anytime. Don't waste your time getting ready made figures shown on the search engines because they're definitely 100 percent used

Here's the real secret

When choosing designs, don't use search engines. Instead, you should locate your browser to high quality galleries. There are genuine sites that you can find excellent lower back tattoo patterns. yet, to make sure your design is truly unique, you can customized it by adding several images on it. The colors can be also changed. It's all depends on you my friend.

Aside from galleries, message boards are also excellent places to find excellent lower back tattoo designs. But remember, tattoos if done well by the artist can produce not just awesome but superb output. Don't get rush when choosing. Always check for the quality. And more importantly, ask the tattooist what's suitable for your skin.

Its summertime now and because of the weather teenagers typically wear short skirts and short tops which often show their belly. Bellybutton tattoos are some of the latest form of self expression among teenager and they love so show it off to the public because they feel so sexy and desirable. Bellybutton tattoos are known to be a sexual tattoo and many women today opted for this type of tattoos because with the right design plus a sexy body it makes them feel fantastic and sensual.

Teenage girl should take note that bellybutton tattoos takes time to heal and it should be done after great consideration especially because of the location which is near the fallopian tube and a high risk for infection.

Body piercing is safe if done correctly and under safe conditions. It is your responsibility to choose a tattoo artist who practices in a safe and sanitized placed. Look for an artist that has a good reputation and highly recommended. Ask around or ask your friend if they have tattoos where they got them and if the recommend the artist. Hygiene is very, very important. There a few guidelines to follow in observing proper sterilization method to avoid contamination and health risk:
Bellybutton Tattoos2* Choose highly recommended tattoo parlor that observed safety precaution methods.
* Tattoo artist should not accept clients who are drunk because teenager tend to get drunk first before they allow themselves to be pricked and it could lead into massive bleeding due to the presence of alcohol in the system.
* Tattoo artist should use disposable or autoclaved instruments; sterile, disposable needles and other equipment that has been disinfected and stored in sterile bags.
* New and sterilized needles should be used for each tattoo or piercing.
* Tattoo artist should wear clean latex gloves, dispose of the needles in puncture-proof containers after each use, and throw away tissues in plastic-lined containers.
* Tattoo artists should not dip into contaminated bottles of ink and must use a small disposable container of ink, and any ointments should be removed from containers with sterile spreaders.
* After-care is very vital in any type of tattooing or piercing, so a true professional will offer very specific instructions that your new tattoos should be treated with an antibacterial cream and kept out of water and sunlight. Pierced areas should be washed at least twice a day with a surgical scrub/water solution.

After you have educate yourself on proper hygiene and sanitation your next step is to take into account the following consideration before you have your bellybutton tattoos:

* Weight. A bellybutton tattoo would only look good on a slim figure, and gaining weight could stretch your stomach and it would look saggy.
* Giving birth. When you have your bellybutton tattoo done take into account the possibility of getting pregnant because it would definitely change the look of your tattoo.
* Keloids. Not all people are blessed with a perfect skin. Some people are more susceptible to scarring.

And the last things you need to take into account are the 5 important steps in choosing a right design for your tattoo:

* Make sure that you really want a tattoo and that it's for real not just a spur of the moment decision. Remember that your tattoo is permanent.
* Choose a design which fits your personality.
* Choose a right location that fits perfectly for your design.
* Choose a right size of your tattoo which suits the build of your body.
* Be Happy with your bellybutton tattoo and put it on display.

1:42 AM

Pinup girl tattoos are awesome old school designs that can look great on both men and women. They usually are very colorful, medium to large designs that really pop out. They're incredibly sexy, in an old school kind of way.

Pinup girl tattoos were popular with sailors and have since been worn by many women symbolizing a sense of beauty, fun, and female strength.

Pinup Girl Tattoos2There are different styles of pinup girls you can choose from. Here are 3 of the most common.

1. Straight up and down.

I call this style "straight up and down" simply because the design is of the girl standing straight, many times in high heels or on her tip toes, her backside facing forward and her head turned at top. These work great for the forearms and calves.

Pinup Girl Tattoos32. Curvy.

The curvy pinups will have more shape to them. Sometimes the arms will be raised and hands clenched behind the head while the body curves. Sometimes the girl will be kneeling. There's usually a twist involved, or a pronunciation of certain body parts like the hips and breasts. These are great for the upper arms, shoulders, and back.

3. Legs, legs, legs!

One of my favorite pinup girl tattoos are one's which emphasize the legs. They will be either high kicking in the air while the girl is seated or lying down, or the legs will be crossed while seated. There are other variations, but the legs always seem to be the emphasis of the tattoo. These can work great on the inside of the upper arm, upper chest and thigh areas.

8:50 AM

Cool Tattoo Design1The Best Niche to Search For Perfect Tattoos

So you have finally made the decision that you are going to get a tattoo. You have thought carefully and clearly about which cool tattoo design you should go for and you have understood that this is a one time and it is a big time commitment. You certainly would not go through the painful process of getting a tattoo only to change your mind afterward and then end up spending thousands of dollars and going through an even more painful procedure of having it removed.

If you have indeed gone through all that then congratulations and good luck on getting that tattoo. It is certainly a great way of expressing one's unique personality. For those of you, however, who are still stuck on deciding which tattoo design to get, then read on below for some ideas on where you can get a unique and cool tattoo design.

One word about searching for the right design: Research. Choosing the right tattoo for you would indeed require a lot of thought on your part and it is really best for you to think really hard on a specific design that you would get this is to make sure that you will not make a decision that you would go on regretting later on. Remember, the consequences of having a tattoo removed!

There are a lot of resources for tattoo design ideas and you will honestly not run out of ideas, really. What is great is that there are some tattoo design sites that will allow you to combine two different designs so you can create one unique tattoo design that will suit the specific art form that you are looking for. The only important thing is that YOU choose the design. YOU. Not your parents, not your friends, YOU. Deciding on the tattoo design is something that you do not trust any other people with. Well, alright you can ask for advice and ideas but in the end, it would always have to be your call and your decision to make. Since you would be the one who will get stuck with these designs permanently anyway so choose carefully and do not let anyone talk you into agreeing to get a specific design.

Researching for a cool tattoo design would require the utmost time and attention on your end. Make sure that you pore over flash design books at the tattoo artists' studio or you have gone to online tattoo art galleries and checked out various designs. This last suggestion is always often the best because you would be doing it in the comforts of your own home and would not be subjected to unnecessary pressure and unsolicited advice. Do not make random choices and let anyone or anything influence your decision on the tattoo design you would have inked. Again, and I cannot say this often enough, tattoos are permanent. And it is more painful and costly to have it removed. Tattoos are works of art. Tattoo removal scars are unsightly.

10:02 AM

chest unicorn tattoo-gtkBig unicorn tattoo designs on woman chest, up of breast

Sexy Butterfly Tattoo Picture-gtk
Sexy Butterfly Tattoo Picture-gtk1

Sexy Butterfly Tattoo Picture-gtk2Sexy Butterfly Tattoo Picture

cherry blossoms tattoo design-gtkCherry blossoms japanese emo girl tattoo design

emo girl love tattoo-gtkemo girl love tattoo design

11:13 PM
1:52 AM

Anchor TattooTattoos are a hot commodity these days, becoming more and more popular than they have ever been in the past, this can be attributed to the likes of the world famous football superstar David Beckham and the eccentric NBA star Dennis Rodman who are at the for front of fashion with millions of young men following their idols fashion trends.

Tattooing is a process by which a pigment, usually ink, is permanently implanted under the skin by piercing the epidermis and depositing the ink into the dermis. Tattoos will stay with your for the rest of your life, unless you choose to get them surgically removed.
Anchor Tattoo DesignTattooing of Minors Act 1969 Chapter 24 it shall be an offence to tattoo a person under the age of eighteen except when the tattoo is performed for medical reasons by a duly qualified medical practitioner or by a person working under his/her direction. Tattoos or brands on other areas of the body that are prejudicial to good order and discipline are prohibited.

There are many tattoo designs, birds, butterflies, angels, armbands Celtic, Chinese, crosses, dragons, dragonfly, devils, fairy, fire, flowers, hearts, Indian, Irish, Japanese, Jesus, Kanji, knots, Khoi fish, lizards, moon, Native, roses, suns, stars, skulls, tigers, tribal, Zodiac Tattoos Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius, so choosing one that is perfect for you can take time, which is a good thing as it allows you to think a little longer which will result in you not regretting your decision.

Anchor Tattoo DesignThe beautiful designs of henna tattoos can be seen all around the world in many different shapes and sizes reflecting the culture and interests of everyone who chooses to decorate their body with henna tattooing. The added benefit of henna is that it washes away after a few weeks so if you have had a tattoo that you are not very happy with then it will be gone without any pain or huge expense like a real tattoo.

Cool Cat Tattoos DesignsCat tattoos are a great design that make a surprisingly sexy look for women. In the past, these designs may have been considered to be the sole property of the loony cat-crazed, but in fact they are great for a number of different reasons.

First of all, for cat lovers, what better way is there to remember a special pet in a lasting way than to get a tattoo of your pet's face? A realistic cat tattoo will remind you of your pet for the rest of your life, and will also look great on you.

Cat owners often recognize that they have a personal affinity for cats - they see characteristics in their own personality that are cat like. Cats have a lot of positive characteristics that are good in people - they are athletic, intelligent, cunning, agile, sensual and perceptive. They have keen senses and are alert.

All of these characteristics can be communicated through an appropriate cat tattoo design. These designs can be realistic or iconic. They can be modern or traditional.

There is a long tradition of cat tattoos and cat designs in the art of many different cultures, and this goes back to the earliest recorded historical artifacts.

The ancient Egyptians used to worship cats, and had many drawings and statues of cats, both highly realistic and more abstract. Hieroglyphic style cat tattoos are very striking, and are a great way to capture this spiritual aspect of the feline form.

In addition to the domesticated cat, wild cats and big cats are also great material for tattoo designs. Many different species of cat have been celebrated in traditional art, and have come to be associated with different qualities, such as the majestic lion, and the fierce tiger. Tiger tattoos are great because the pattern of their stripes look especially good on women, too.

As you can see, cat tattoos are a really good option for you, whether you are considering getting a tattoo of a pet cat, or a wild or big cat. They are not just for weird people, they're great for anyone!

When you choose a design, make sure you go for something that is individual, and says something about you. That way you'll enjoy it more in the years to come.

A great way to choose the right design for yourself is to start by looking through a large selection of different tattoo designs. That way, you can quickly find what you do like and what you don't. Even if you re going to create your own custom design, checking out other designs is a good way to get a starting point that you can use to develop your own theme.

gypsy woman tattoogypsy woman hand tattoo design

bruce lee & dragon tattooBruce lee & dragon tattoo design on hand

Popular Tattoo Designs for Girls1Girls are always asking me what tattoos they should get or what I think are the hottest tattoos for girls. Unfortunately there is no clear cut answer simply because there are as many different types of tattoos are there are girls. What one person might find sexy another might consider unattractive or very unfeminine.

Certain styles of tattoos might not suit the image you want to project. For example certain work environments may not accept highly visible tattoos even though tattoos are becoming more and more accepted. It may be wise to hold off getting that sacred heart tattoo emblazoned across your chest if your boss is going to flip out if (s)he sees it!

So in saying that what I hope to do in this short article is offer my insight and experience within the tattoo industry for the past 9 or 10 years and point out the current tattoo trends and what the most popular styles of tattoos are for girls. At the end of the day you want a tattoo that has lasting appeal and not a tattoo that was done on a whim. If I give you some good ideas for your next tattoo all the better...

Trends come and go. What was cool ten years ago is no longer cool. In the nineties certain types of tattoos such as cartoon characters like Betty Boop, barbed wire armbands and dolphins were in. Looking at them now they appear very cheesy and basic.

Tattoo art has come such a long way in the past few years even. Certain styles of tattoos have become perennial and have risen to a point where they are getting the respect and acknowledged they deserve for their intricacy and artistry.

Styles as diverse as Japanese tattoos, Indian/Hindu tattoos, Anime, Traditional American and Floral designs are raising the bar higher and higher and becoming increasingly popular.
Popular Tattoo Designs for Girls
Alongside that is the fact that people are beginning to see their skin as a human canvas and not just settling for random tattoos placed haphazardly on a part of the body that is hidden. Nowadays more and more girls are getting larger tattoos and more of them.

This may explain the popularity of Japanese tattoos. In traditional Japanese tattoos each character has a meaning and interacts with the other tattoo designs as part of the whole.

The same is true for Traditional American tattoos. Previously what were once done as individual tattoos from disparate elements of American culture are now being woven into an organic and is more like a story unfolding.

Top Five Most Popular Tattoos for Girls

Irezumi - Traditional Japanese tattoos - More and more girls are asking for large tattoo designs such as koi fish, dragons on their hips, back and arms.

Traditional American tattoos - Old school 'Sailor Jerry' tattoos and images such as classic American cars, pin-ups, swallows and nautical stars are becoming more popular on girls chests, abdomen, back and legs.

Floral tattoos - So many girls are getting flower tattoos as full sleeve tattoos or covering their entire back or legs with floral designs. Flower tattoo designs such as lotus flowers, peonies, orchids, chrysanthemums and flowering vines are the most popular.

Anime - Japanese animation has become massive and doesn't show any sign of disappearing any time soon. As a result Anime tattoos have become popular in the past five years or so. The only risk with Anime tattoo is that unlike other styles will probably age much quicker even though it looks great now.

back woman cross tattooThis exciting cross tattoos decorated circle biblical words.

rosary chain cross tattooRosary chain cross tattoo design on side body.

light cross tattoo designLight cross tattoo designs on hand of boy.

chinese cross tattooChinese cross tattoo design on back of a man.
